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Stars!: Getting Started
(Registered) Shareware Version
- (1137 kb)
- full Stars!-version including the latest J RC4 batch
- this is the version being used on AutoHost
- To play you need a serial code and in consensus with the programmers Jeff Johnson & Jeff McBride those can be bougth for a small donation of upto US$6. For more info, read this section of the AutoHost Forum. Don't hesitate! The true thrill and beauty of this game is designing your own custom race and playing against other humans.
Help File
- (456 kb)
- contains slightly updated Stars!.hlp, 2 dll-files and a ReadMe.txt with troubleshooting infos
- includes additional feature: quick search within the help (very handy)
- on other websites this help-update comes as e27ihelp.exe but I made it a zip-file (running an unknown exe-file is always a bit creepy)
Old stuff
Demo Version
- (1525 kb) - Free playable demo.
- File Info: To avoid confusion the following files were updated: Orders.txt, Readme.txt and the original zip-filename changed from to
- Allows unlimited play turns against up to 15 AIs but with the following limitations:
- Universe size: small or tiny
- Technology level: max 10
- Restricted game options
- No custom races
- No pbem-mode against other humans
Stars! 2.0b - an old version of Stars where you still had to mine fuel
- Shareware Version: Stars! (1.330 kb), limited to tech 10, no race design
- Registered Version: STARS_2Z.EXE (1.330 kb)
* selfextracting exe-file which unpacks Stars!.exe, the hlp-file and several txt-files
* you'll need a valid serial code to run this version
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