Players: 8
Skill level: Intermediate
Version: 2.6/2.7jrc3/4
Autohost, Turns generated: 24 hours up to year 2430, then 48 hours. Weekends off.
Universe size: Small Packed, Distant Starting Positions
Starting conditions: ACC BBS
Victory conditions: Last Man/Last Team standing or consensus
PRTs forbidden: None, but there will be a penalty of 100 leftover points for CA (set to defenses) plus they may not take TT. JOAT may not take NAS. SD may not detonate minefields.
- no cheats (except chaff and split-fleet dodge)
- no pregame alliances
Special Rules: Germ starting concentration will be 30 or lower. Everyone has to be set to enemy except one ally. The ally can be changed once every 10 years. Tech exchange between enemies is not allowed.
announced as new game at autohost on 2nd October 2006: Infight
Year 2415
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) |
To make it difficult, Norsemen were allied with Altruists in the previous game and they do know the Altruists' early aggressive attitude towards ARs. It soon becomes obvious that the Tomasoid/Norsemen do not like the Altruist outpost at Darien at all (upper center far left) and start attacking it at once. Altruists again judge their outpost Darien quite important for their planned attack against the Tomasoid HW which is only 62ly away from Darien. Darien gets reinforced with gated in colonists and minerals as fast as possible and the dock constantly grades up.
Year 2422
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) g Altruists' gates g enemies' gates O green planets for Altruists O yellow planets for Altruists |
Altruists decide to attack nevertheless or rather "now or never". And in 2428 the Altruist attack fleet succeeds in shooting down the Tomasoid HW station, 360 thousand poor weird lifeforms killed. The battle shows several surpising things:
1) Altruist outtech the Tomasoid by far: colloid phasers vs yakis.
2) There is/was a newly built mass driver on the Tomasoid station.
The Norsemen freighter fleet has changed course to avoid the Altruist attack fleet but now it is obvious that those freighters carry the minerals supposed to annihilate the Altruist outpost Darien with the help of the mass driver at Thomas. That was close. It's only 2428, the first HW has fallen but had almost succeeded throwing around the first mineral package... a fast paced game, indeed.
Sneaking into Envoy territory Altruists manage to colonise Noble Impulse, a planet in the very center and only 19ly away from the Envoys' HW, and, even better, it seems Envoys don't notice.
Year 2428
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) g Altruists' gates g enemies' gates O green planets for Altruists O yellow planets for Altruists |
Altruists switch to Envoys as next target, gate to Noble Impulse most of their cruisers which were previously busy shooting down forts, docks and stations of the Tomasoid and in 2435 the attack on the Envoys' HW is a full success. The Envoys are outraged and gather their own fleet.
Year 2435
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) g Altruists' gates g enemies' gates O green planets for Altruists O yellow planets for Altruists |
Although the Altruists' fleet consists of more cruisers than the Envoys', together with sappers, better shields and a station the Envoys are definetly still a threat and could wipe out the Altruist fleet. Everybody tries to guess who is flying/gating to which planet next. Altruists decide to attack planet 98053 which they think to be populated by a mere 2400 Havenites but since the planet is a beautiful green one and no other good planet in attack range, they judge it a good step from where Bruski could be attacked. Additionally there is a very low probability to meet the Envoy fleet there.
The Lost choose NOT to attack nearby Kappa because it is highly likely to meet the ingating superior Envoy fleet there. Instead the fleet imitates being out of fuel at warp 1. There is also still a very small minefield around Kappa.
Year 2437
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) g Altruists' gates g enemies' gates O green planets for Altruists O yellow planets for Altruists fleet Envoy fleet fleet Altruist or Lost fleet |
After switching thru several reports of the last years, it became obvious that the Envoys usually kept their main cruiser force in fleet #9. And thus Envoy fleet #9 was targeted by the Altruists BBs: 45 Envoy cruiser vs 10 Altruist battleships and the Altruists hoping the Envoys hadn't chosen exactly year 2440 to break with old habits.
NAP with Norsemen: The initial unilateral statement of the Altruists not to mingle into the war between Norsemen and Havenites/Drakh develops into a kind of NAP. Both sides agree not to attack each other's planets but ships in space can be still attacked.
Year 2440
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) g Altruists' gates g enemies' gates O green planets for Altruists O yellow planets for Altruists fleet Envoy CC-fleet fleet Altruist CC-fleet BBs Altruist BB-fleet |
Year 2445
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) —— Altruist/Norsemen border —— Wormholes |
Scans showed still no ship production activity on the Haven/Drakh side and we hadn't seen a standing fleet anywhere. Good. The first attack is usually for free. If the Haven/Drakh would indeed need to produce ships for defense, then they would be put into the production lines after our first attack (possibly forcing them to stop researching weap 16 if still not reached) and coming out of production at the time of our 2nd attack and earliest might gate in vs our 3rd attack. If the Haven/Drakh would really gate in their ships for defense, those would arrive in single units which we assumed to have a good chance to beat with our stacked BBs. Thus we judged the 4th attack the first really dangerous one but still a risk to take. But however the 4th attack would come out, we were sure to stop there and then for several reasons: our attack fleets might be destroyed/damaged, further attacks would need reinforced stronger fleets, locationwise minesweeping was likely not to have succeeded to commence further attacks.
The plan included to attack with 2 fleets and we hoped for 6 planets razed for sure, hopefully even 8. We judged that a good enough start since it would reduce the Havens' production base by a third and, almost as important, it would put the Haven/Drakh into a passive defensive position without the chance to reach our main planets. Loosing 8 planets in a row isn't a great experience and we also hoped for rather shattered spirits in the south.
The 2 attack fleets were:
North Fleet (Pervo):
The fleet consisted of 5 Jugger-BB, 5 heavy blaster/phased sapper BB, 10 b17-cherry bombers and, just in case, 100 chaff although the Haven station at Esher, the first target, was shown as unarmoured and with only 16 old colloid-lasers. The idea was to reinforce the fleet while moving south from one Haven planet to the next. In 2446 the fleet was ready and fully assembled at Pervo.
Heavy Duty Fleet (Huckleberry):
Starting from Huckleberry this fleet was supposed to fight its way direction southwest. The fleet needed to be bigger than the above North Fleet because there was no way to reinforce it when attacking 1 planet after another each year. Unfortunately the fleet wasn't ready.
Year 2446
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) ——— Altruist/Norsemen border ——— Wormholes → attack route |
North Fleet (Pervo):
The attack vs the 1st planet (Esher) and 2nd planet (Nada) obliterated smoothly any Haven presence. At the 3rd planet (Slick) the Haven had built defenses which, after bombing with 10 b17-cherry bombers, left 110 thousand Havenites alive. But nearby reinforcements consisting of 25 additional bombers and 10 old jihad BBs were more than enough to take over and allowed North Fleet to move on to its 4th target Texas. In 2450 both planets were successfully conquered.
Heavy Duty Fleet (Huckleberry):
Starting one year behind schedule was made good by skipping the first target (Simple) and going directly for Atropos. Simple was just 23ly away from Huckleberry which had built a mass driver. Originally the mass driver was meant for defensive purpose only but 23ly is a distance even an IT can't withstand throwing around with mass packets. And thus Simple and Atropos were razed both in 2448, the first by mass package, the latter by bombs. In 2449 Erasmus fell prey to the Heavy Duty Fleet. In 2450 there was the first real battle when the Havenites gated in 5 jihad-BBs for defense. Since the Haven BBs weren't stacked , they were destroyed before doing serious damage. The jihad-BBs showed that the Haven had already elec 11 (super computers) but, whyever, the Haven didn't use any jammers in ships nor in stations nor did they think of or were able to produce an ultra-station on Chlorine... a fully outfitted ultra-station at Chlorine would had probably led to the battle won by the Havenites. Luckily Chlorine had a very low inronium concentration and probably not enough supplies to do so.
Mentioning ironium: Producing all those jugger-BBs usually leads very fast to a horrible ironium and germanium shortage. But on some of the conquered Haven planets we found so many minerals, that our supplies got rather higher than lower.
In 2447 Envoys gave up.
Year 2450
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) ——— Altruist/Norsemen border ——— Wormholes → attack route |
The last remains of the Envoys are gone.
The Jades' tri-planet-cluster and several others are gone, their northern planet is orbited by a fleet of the Lost but still the Jade Falcons... fight. Warmongers to the last minute.
The NAP between Norsemen and Lost/Altruists was canceled in 2453.
In 2451 the infight galaxy detected the very first Mystery Trader but nobody will have a chance to give away precious minerals in the thousands because in 2455 even the stubbornly and busily growing Norsemen accepted that whatever they will do, there is no more chance to stop the galaxy from becoming a Lost and Altruistic one.
Year 2455
Altruists (IT, m2) Lost (HE, m5) Tomasoid (AR, m7) Norsemen (JOAT, m3) Envoys (IT, m4) Jade Falcons (WM, m8) Havenites (IT, m1) Drakh (CA, m6) ——— Altruist/Norsemen border ——— Wormholes g Altruists' gates fleet position of Altruist fleets |
Thanks to Andreas for hosting another great and fast paced game of Stars!